Recommended Reading: The Deviant’s War by Eric Cervini
In 1957, Frank Kameny, a New York native, World War II veteran, and Harvard-educated astronomer, was fired from the Defense Department because of his homosexuality. The Deviant’s War is the story of how Kameny fought back ...
Recommended Reading: Neotenica by Joon Oluchi Lee
This series of short, linked vignettes by Rhode Island author Joon Oluchi Lee takes place in the San Francisco Bay area, reflecting the multicultural hues of the city.
Recommended Reading: Memorial by Bryan Washington
Houston author Bryan Washington (whose debut, Lot, was a finalist for last year’s Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction) has fashioned an intricate and heartfelt tale from the relationship between a Japanese American chef named Mike and Benson, a Black daycare teacher.
Recommended Reading: Fiebre Tropical by Juli Delgado Lopera
Juli Delgado Lopera reaches deep to expertly voice, in a heady blend of Spanish and English, the story of fifteen-year-old Francisca, a recent Colombian transplant now living in Miami with her mother and grandmother.
Recommended Reading: Apsara Engine by Bishakh Som
Transgressive and forward-thinking, Apsara Engine illustrates and details the lives and fantasies of queer and trans South Asians speaking their truths, dreaming their mythologies, and trying to come to grips with themselves and others.
Recommended Reading: The Appointment by Katharina Volckmer
By turns profane and profound, this book-length monologue from first-time London-based novelist Katharina Volckmer is from an unnamed middle-aged German woman to one Dr. Seligman, who is performing an operation on her vagina.
Recommended Reading: The Power of Adrienne Rich by Hilary Holladay
Rich has served as a guiding light for lesbian artists in America for generations, and with Hilary Holladay’s The Power of Adrienne Rich, she has finally received the towering biography she deserves, which will share her legacy with generations yet to come.
Recommended Reading: My Autobiography of Carson McCullers by Jenn Shapland
As the title My Autobiography of Carson McCullers suggests, Jenn Shapland’s book is part Shapland memoir, part McCullers bio, a hybrid that—at its beating heart—seeks to trace queer literary lineage.