Membership is open to anyone interested in the growth of LGBTQ writers, literature, and publishers. Members come from all walks of life: book and magazine writers, editors, agents, marketing, sub-rights, publicity and sales people, booksellers, designers, librarians, and general book lovers. Annual dues begin at $40. As part of your membership, you will receive our periodic e-newsletter (if you’re not doing so already); you’ll get alerts about our social activities in the New York metropolitan area and be eligible for any membership discounts; and you’ll have the satisfaction to know that you are supporting the Triangle in its primary mission, promoting LGBTQ literature through its award programming, which gives out $16,000 in prize money each spring. Our awards shine much needed light on the best lesbian, gay, bisexual, and gender-variant literature published each year (mainstream awards often overlooked prize-worthy books from our community). Members in good standing are eligible to submit books to our awards program with a reduction in the submission fee.

Our basic individual membership is $40 per year.

A family membership, available to 2+ people sharing the same address, is $70 per year.

Publishers are encouraged to join at our business rate, $85 per year; member publishers may then nominate a fixed number of books for the literary awards (see the submission instructions for the current year’s awards cycle), again, waiving the entrance fee. One individual or department should be listed as the principal contact with a corporate membership.

To join the Publishing Triangle as a new member, use our membership form. As the form will prompt you, payment via PayPal is encouraged. PayPal accepts also credit cards and does not require an account.

We continue to accept payment via check or money order. If you want to pay for your membership in that manner, use the online membership form and choose the “check/money order” option; after submitting this membership application, send your check or money order in the proper amount, made payable to “Publishing Triangle,” to this address:

The Publishing Triangle
511 Avenue of the Americas, #D36
New York, NY 10011

Note that dues are not deductible as a charitable expense.

If you have additional questions about membership, please write us at [email protected].