In Lie with Me, a chance sighting of someone who looks exactly like Philippe’s first love, Thomas, leads Philippe to reflect on their mid-1980s high school affair. This delicate coming-of-age story was translated from the French by Molly Ringwald. Author Alexander Chee says, “The uncanny thrill of Philippe Besson’s Lie with Me rises up from Molly Ringwald’s translation with the intensity of meeting a stranger on a train who tells you a single unforgettable story and then leaves. And his voice haunts me still.”

Lie with Me, by Philippe Besson, translated by Molly Ringwald. Published by Scribner. The editor is Valerie Steiker. Lie with Me is a finalist for the Ferro-Grumley Award for LGBTQ Fiction, administered by the Publishing Triangle and Ferro-Grumley Literary Awards; the winner will be announced on April 30. (WRITTEN BY JERRY WHEELER.)