In this propulsive and intricately constructed memoir, Carmen Maria Machado explores the progression of an emotionally abusive relationship while employing narrative tropes from the bildungsroman to the haunted house. Each chapter provides a new entry point into the story; cumulatively, these disparate chapters build a narrative prism whose facets gleam with wit, insight, and pathos. Once again, as in her prize-winning short story collection Her Body and Other Parties (which was nominated for two different Publishing Triangle awards), Machado proves herself a master of playing with literary forms. In the Dream House is an aesthetically ambitious new addition to the literature of lesbian obsession and a chilling depiction of the dynamics of psychological manipulation.
In the Dream House, by Carmen Maria Machado. Published by Graywolf Press. The editor is Ethan Nosowksy and the agent is Kent Wolf of Neon Literary. In the Dream House is a finalist for the Publishing Triangle’s Judy Grahn Award for Lesbian Nonfiction; the winner will be announced on April 30.